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Volume 5 (1); March 2015 [XML]
Research Paper
Haematology and Serum Chemistry of Local Grower Turkeys Fed Diets Containing Samsorg17 and ICSV400 Varieties of Sorghum.
Etuk, EB; Ugwu, CC; Okeudo, JN; Esonu, BO; Udedibie, ABI.
J. World's Poult. Res. 5(1): 01-09; pii: S2322455X1500001-5
ABSTRACT: Turkeys are of considerable economic and social significance to the traditional life of Nigerians but its production has been hampered by high cost of feedstuff. This study was carried out to determine the haematological parameters and serum chemistry of local grower turkeys fed Samsorg 17 and ICSV 400 sorghum varieties as replacement for higher cost maize in their diet. One hundred six weeks old grower turkeys were divided into nine groups of three replicates each on sex and weight equalization basis. The groups were randomly assigned to nine experimental turkey grower diets containing 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% replacement level of maize with each of samsorg17 and ICSV400 varieties of sorghum. The feeding trial lasted 42 days. Six turkeys were randomly selected on trial day 38, blood samples were collected for haematological and serum biochemical analysis. RBC, HB, WBC and PCV were determined while MCHC, MCH AND MCV were calculated using appropriate formulae. Serum protein (albumin and globulin), sugar, cholesterol, urea, minerals and enzymes were also determined. The result indicated that only WBC count was higher and the serum sugar and creatinine was lower than normal range. The ALP level declined while SGPT increased with increasing dietary sorghum but SGOT followed no pattern. There was no observed adverse effect on the blood parameters of experimental grower turkeys fed these sorghum varieties and is therefore recommended as replacement for maize in their diets.
Key words: Blood Chemistry, Haematology, Maize, Sorghum, Turkey
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Comparative microbiological evaluation of Raw Chicken From Markets and Chilled Outlets of Mauritius.
Heetun I, Goburdhun D, Neetoo H.
J. World's Poult. Res. 5(1): 10-18; pii: S2322455X1500002-5
ABSTRACT: The present study was carried out to compare the microbiological status of raw chicken thighs purchased from two main markets and chilled retail outlets of Mauritius. In order to determine the microbiological acceptability of the lots sold in the different outlets, random representative samples were purchased and microbiologically analysed for Total Viable Counts (TVC), Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Campylobacter spp. and Salmonella spp. Two independent trials were conducted and the results were interpreted against published microbiological criteria for raw poultry. Microbiological results indicated that the lots of raw chicken at the two markets and one chilled outlet were deemed unacceptable for sale when compared with the microbiological criteria for acceptable lots. In addition, the results showed that the population of TVC (5.8 log cfu/g) and presumptive Staphylococcus aureus (4.7 log cfu/g) were significantly higher in chicken purchased from markets than chilled outlets (P < 0.05). Findings of the present study highlight the need for public health officials to enforce stricter hygiene and food safety measures against market retailers of raw chicken.
Key words: Chicken, Microbiology, Pathogens, Hygiene, Markets
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Case Report
Acute Megabacteriosis and Staphylococosis of Canary in Iran.
Babazadeh D, Ghavami S, Nikpiran H, Dorestan N.
J. World's Poult. Res. 5(1): 19-20; pii: S2322455X1500003-5
ABSTRACT: Megabacteriosis and staphylococosis are two important Infectious Diseases in Canary. Macrorhabdosis is a chronic progressively debilitating, gastrointestinal disease. Staphylococcus infections are common in poultry. Clinical signs are highly variable and dependent on site-organisms. Present case report describes the Megabacteriosis and staphylococosis in canary. A dead canary was referred to the clinic of veterinary medicine, university of Tehran, Iran That was lethargic and had watery white droppings for 4 days. The proventriculus was dilated and erosive lesions were seen. In wet smear prepared from proventriculus, Macrorhabdus ornithogaster was observed by light microscope. A purulent mass was detected in metatarsal joint, the gram staining of suspected mass determined the bird suffered from staphylococosis. Prescribed drugs for Megabacteriosis and Staphylococosis were nystatin and enrofloxacin respectively.
Key words: Megabacteriosis, Staphylococosis, Canary, Iran.
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